
Sunday, February 4, 2024

Circle I

In the past, I have posted photos attributed to "Circle of Eakins," and this is the first of three in today's set.  There are various versions of just who took these.  The most common is that the students did it under Eakins' supervision, but some think they did it all on their own, and others say Eakins himself was the photographer.  My own theory is that it was some combination of all of the above.  A common element is that for some reason the prints handed down are dark.  I lightened this one.



  1. Technical faults aside, the composition here is really nice.

    1. And somewhat ahead of its time. See my reply to David below.

  2. This is superb. I've had the pleasure of doing a few tableaux style sittings. The lean musculature of the standing model is remarkable. Your lightening seems to have revealed an added feature.

    1. LOL! Yes, something did magically appear after I lightened the image, and it wasn't even what I was going for. The tableaux concept was around, of course, but didn't become very popular in photography until about 20 years later.

  3. Truly magnificent! Love this era and the models are amazing. Great pose and composition. Thanks for lightening it! Enjoy the new details.
