
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Man with Cane

Muybridge took several sets of photos of individuals with a variety of infirmities, some of which were specified in his notes.  All I could find on this one was "Man walking with cane."  I usually don't post these out of respect, but his one is benign compared to most.



  1. Como discapacitado puedo decirte que vernos reflejados en imágenes desnudos no me ofende en absoluto. Me gusta que se nos vea en igualdad con otros hombres desnudos, por lo que te animo a pùblicar esas fotos que no publicas por respeto.

    1. Thank you for your kind and supportive comment, Joaquin. It is especially meaningful coming from your point of view as a disabled person. I will therefore post more of this type when the occasion arises.

  2. Could the cane just be a prop in this case? Muybridge used srts equipment as props.

    1. Possibly, but in many other cases the infirmities are rather prominent. Knowing how much Muybridge valued authenticity, I can see him finiding a man who walked with a cane and convincing him to pose nude.
