
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I'm in a New York State of Mind

I've been feeling like I need to visit New York when it warms up, so that has put me in a New York State of Mind.  And as someone who free associates his way through life, that feeling provoked today's series of ten photos by ten New York physique photographers in alphabetical order.  We start with Bob Anthony's shot of Al Agar in a pose said to have been first done by Eugen Sandow.


  1. He's a lanky one! Nice pose, but I can't say I've seen Sandow posing this way. Have you?

    1. You make a good point. I have a couple of hundred photos of Mr. Sandow, and can't find a pose exactly like that, although two are vaguely similar. It's possible, however, that Mr. Anthony was inspired by a photo I don't have.

  2. Love the concept of free-associating through life. I'm going to give it a shot and hope I get similar results.

    1. It leads to some interesting places . . . and an occasional disaster.

  3. Nothing like NYC. When the spirit moves me I just pick up and go, and I always think I am going to run into Fran Lebowitz who loves NY as much as I do. Lol.

    1. I know what you mean, but it's not easy to just "pick up and go" from where I am.

    2. That is the advantage for me it's under 2 hrs. flight time. Now if I could get to Europe that quickly, I would never be home!
