
Friday, March 29, 2024

Toweling off

The lighting is exceptional in this Duane Michals photo of a man toweing off.
I can't tell if the bar of light at right is accidental or intentional.



  1. This photo is exceptional, my favorite of the series. Personally, I think the light bar is intentional. The photographer certainly wanted to show that it was daylight filtering through the curtain. Had they had a good time together for a whole afternoon? We can imagine a story in this photo. How can you resist such a beauty that dries your sweat...maybe...

    1. I tend to agree with you on the light, and yes, there may well be a story there.

  2. You posted another image from this series of five the last time you did a Duane Michals day. The bar of light is the gap between the open door and the door frame. Nicely done!

  3. It is incredible how something as simple as a towel over the shoulders can add so much to a photo and give it a story or at least add that potential and element.
    Very well done. Love the pose and flex. Nice body too. Lighting really works.

    1. My opinion of Mr. Michals' work continues to soar.
