
Saturday, April 6, 2024


When I first say this guy, I had an uncontrollable urge to say,  "Hellllooooo Bubba."
He really looks like he's in need of companionship.  He is Peter Kryloff who
appeared earlier today.  I like this shot much more than the others.



  1. It's interesting that, in an era when men were not so shy about being naked, loincloths, fig leaves, trunks and sometimes straps were used. Was that due to shyness on the part of the models, or that the pictures might be seen by females?

    1. Probably both reasons. But remember, these guys were celebrities, and photographers were taking plenty of fully nude photos at the same time of mostly unknown models. Some of the nudes were studies for artists, and some were stand alone pieces to be enjoyed on their own.

    2. Nudity was also mostly limited to locker rooms, natatoriums, bath houses, and the old swimming hole. It wasn't like you'd be naked all the time.

      Many of these men were also circus performers, so there would be plenty of women and children around. A loincloth or fur toga was standard fare for a strong man trying to seem "primitive"

    3. I agree with nakedswimmer's comments. These guys were performers, some of whom were so successful that they did one man theater shows before mixed gender audiences.

  2. What an impressive set of gentlemen for us to enjoy! Peter gets my vote because he resembles a former partner of mine from many years ago. Fortunately we remained good friends, he will definitely get a kick out of this when I show him! Lol. Thanks Jerry.

    1. You're welcome, Pat. And you're also lucky to have someone that nice looking in your life.

    2. Thanks Jerry. Oddly enough there were people who didn't think he was, I heard the old "you could do better". I did, we were together for 9 years. Still a dear and cherished friend.

    3. I've found that people who say "you could do better" are often unhappy with their own lives and choices. Any time you come out of a situation with a friend, I call it a success.

    4. Oops! That was me replying above. I was logged out when I did it.
