
Sunday, April 14, 2024

Plate 399

 I decided to use a vertical alignment for our last pair of images from Plate 399
in order to show off the detail and the exquisite stop action of the water.
This is the third appearance today of my favorite Muybridge model.


  1. Like your wondering about the man sitting down, I wonder about this male. Was he a fellow professor? A friend? Or just someone Muybridge found attractive? He's not particularly well-built, but his penis and scrotum show clearly. Could this have been a factor in his frequent appearances?

    1. Although it's natural from our perspective to notice the model's package, I doubt it had much to do with his selectiion. Other than the obvious presence of student athletes, most of whom are identified, we don't know much about Muybridge's models or why he chose them. Variety comes to mind, however.

  2. Whatever his motives were, Mr. Muybridge did people like me a real favor. I came upon his photographs of naked people many years ago and was surprised that these existed, and very delighted.

  3. These are wonderful to see, more visuals of his enduring influence and legacy. I have enjoyed finding out about this fascinating man. Thanks Jerry!

  4. That water capture is superb. I rather like him, too. A sort of mature everyman.

    1. As attractive as the student models (and a few others) may be, this guy is my favorite Muybridge model . . . for the reason you mention.
