
Sunday, April 7, 2024


These sailors are on dry land and one of them wants to show us more.
Although there does seem to be beer involved, something tells me he was a "natural."



  1. Caught a special moment with the one looking to show more and everyone feeling quite close and casual.

    1. Right. I can't figure out what the fully dressed guy at left is doing.

    2. There is a ring on the bottle he is holding. If he flicks his wrist just right, the ring will fly off his bottle and land on one of the bottles on the table. (That's my reading of it--I could be totally wrong!)

    3. Tom, that's better than any explanation I could think of.

  2. Oh yeah, does look like a game like that. But of course I am distracted by all the men in swim trunks, especially the guy whose trucks are already partially down and looking to go lower. So suggestive and hot. And the guys so close and happy.

  3. The question that comes to mind first is: "Will he pull down his swimming trunks?" I think so, because the two men behind him seem to be waiting for the moment when they will see their colleague's butt! Lol

  4. The soldiers do not seem to have seen the photographer except the one looking at the lens!
    The photo is superb!
