
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Artistry of Bob Mizer

When people mention Bob Mizer, Mr. AMG, the two things that come up most often are the sheer volume of his work (over a million images and still counting) and his struggles for artistic freedom in the face of a hostile legal system.  We should never, however, forget that he was an excellent photographer who could do museum quality work when he set his mind to it.  Today we will look at ten examples of AMG artistry.  I tried to avoid repeats from previous posts, so if  your favorite isn't here, that may be why. We start with an unknown model against a backdrop that you'll see again later in the set.  The details and lighting here are excellent.
This series was inspired by James at Men From Back Then the go-to guy for all things Mizer.



  1. Exquisite...beautiful lighting, pose and he was not cheated in the maleness department, either.

  2. I love everything about this photo and it's a great way to start this set! He was really spot on with this one. Excellent!

  3. Some new photos today of models I've seen in the past. I may steal one or two. I'll think of this guy's name in a minute.

    Thanks for the link!

  4. Are you sure this isn’t a Douglas of Detroit. It’s very unlike Mizer. But then again, most photographers can take a hundred photos during a shoot to get one or two photos that they like.

    1. It is Mizer. I just can't think of the model's name.

    2. I couldn't bring the model's name to mind either. So, I did some jiggery-pokery on the image to help my software do it's job and... voila! It's Mike Hudson.
