
Monday, June 10, 2024

Getty Museum, Part 2 - Old favorites

Part two of my piece on the Getty Museum features some 19th Century photos that I had posted on my blog in the past.  All of these came with some sort of surprise.  The photo above was attributed by an online resale site to Thomas Eakins and/or "Circle of Thomas Eakins" with Thomas Anschutz listed as a model.  The Getty curators somehow figured out that Mr. Anschutz, who went on to a laudable career in painting, set up the pose and likely took the photograph.  That leaves me wondering if he is in it as well.  His biography says that he learned photographey from Mr. Eakins and was his assistant.



  1. Are those some kind of easels in the background?

  2. The easels look like they are used for sculptures, with what look like wood boxes on top of them to cover and protect the sculptures as they were being created. Eakins was known for his painting, photography and sculptures….:)

    1. I think you may be right about those easels. They don't look like the usual sort.-

  3. so great to see casual males nude!
