
Monday, June 10, 2024

All those Von Gloedens, and this is all

When I began searching the Getty website, I quickly discovered that they have a large collection of work by Von Gloeden.  Imagine my chagrin when I found that 98% of the photos were underage boys!!!  Now don't get me wrong.  None of them are overtly sexual, and they are no doubt legal, but I don't post such material.  The wrestlers above were one of exactly three photos in the whole collection that I would consider posting.  You've seen them before, but they're worth another look.



  1. Glad you refrained from posting the boys. It makes me nervous if a model even looks juvenile. Plus, I don't find them even remotely attractive.

  2. There are very few Wilhelm von Gloeden photos that I feel comfortable posting with the New Laws. This is one such photo but I wonder what year it was taken.?

    1. It appears to be from late in Von Gloeden's career, which would have been about 1910.

    2. Thanks Jerry. Do you know how old he was when he posed for a self portrait in Arab Garb.? The photo is on Wikepedia under his name. ?? I sure would like to know.

    3. Foto 1890- v. Gloeden war etwa 34 Jahr alt.

  3. Feines Foto im klassischen Stil von v. Gloeden. Er hatte bei erwaschenen Models bleiben sollen.

  4. This is a particular favorite, the pose and composition is just beautiful. And thank you Jerry for taking a stance on what you will not post.

    1. You're welcome, Pat. I've always taken that position, but it's not always easy to guage the age of a subject, especially over a century later. I tend to err on the side of caution, and even so, I've been called out a couple of times by viewers who disagreed with my assessment.

  5. I do not want to see underage models even from 100 years in the past. What I do not understand is this passage in a book about Wilhelm von Gloeden. "Gloeden is mainly known for his nudes, and is considered "one of the founders of modern homosexual iconography". In his lifetime he was also famous for his landscape photography that helped popularize tourism to Italy. In addition, he documented damage from the 1908 Messina earthquake, which explains why the locals mostly approved of his work."
    The Messina Earthquake was in 1908 and von Gloeden had been taking Nudes of Boys for many years before that. It implies that the population did not approve of his work with Nudes until he did something helpful regarding a natural disaster in 1908. I find that disturbing since one issue has nothing to do with the other issue and I hope that it is wrong.

    1. Moral relativism is apparently not a new concept. As for the Italians' attitude toward Von Gloeden, they may have lauded his landscapes and disaster work, but the fascist police eventually tried to suppress his nude photos. Also, his cousin Pluschow faced legal issues in Italy for doing similar work.
