
Monday, June 3, 2024

Looking at pictures

This is a dirty picture of a guy who is likely looking at dirty pictures.  The Coors can is probably significant, and he put his motorcycle boots back on after removing all his clothes.
Oh, and he's smoking a cigarette while all this is going on.



  1. … and he has a kind of ring of beads around his hips for some reason.

    1. I didn't notice that, but there it is. You have a good eye, and neither of us has a clue as to why it's there.

  2. I once had a photo of a young Tico Patterson half undressed in marine blues sitting on that exact sofa next to that unique lamp. The sofa is light blue with dark blue checks, so I know it was a color photo. Years ago someone said it was from Mizer. If so I expected to find more of him in this setting. Alas, it has been at least 10 years and this photo and Tico's photo are the only two I've seen in this setting.

    1. We normally would see settings and props more often with Mr. Mizer. I wonder if the two photos were done at a location outside his compound?

  3. And what on earth is that thing looking down at him???

    1. It's either a Halloween decoration or an oversized Mr. Potatohead.

    2. Looks like one of those items sold in supermarkets to promote either apples or strawberries….:)

  4. Beads worn around the waist was common with women to make them aware of gaining weight. I doubt he would be concerned about such things but you never know. The tan lines give away that he wears trunks as opposed to a Speedo. All that said I kind of like this guy! Lol.

    1. I'd probably like this one better if it was just him without all the stuff.

    2. He is just fine as is, no need to accessorize.

  5. Man, there is so much going on here. Glad to see it. I hope they had a good time after he looked at the dirty photos.
