
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Strip poker?

This was in a group of party photos, but it looks like a game 
of strip poker where everybody lost . . . intentionally.



  1. You realise the guy on the left here is the same guy as the one on the right in your 'Happy Partiers' post? I have several photos of this guy both solo and with his regular companion - the guy in the middle of the party group. I believe Mr Middle's first name is Buddy.

    1. Actually, I did notice that, but didn't mention it. I wish I had more pictures from that party.

    2. Jerry, I have 3 more photos that look to be from that party. I also have several more of Buddy (on the right here, some photos of whom are credited to "Robert Reed Studio) and the furry guy I only know as 'Unknown10'. I have 26 solo photos of 'Unknown10', one of which seems to credit "Bruce Willard King studios". I'll send you all of them, as I think you'll appreciate them.

  2. I think it is all three of the men from the other picture. Looks like a fun night.
