
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Younger model

The last unknown model in todays Douglas of Detroit set
looks a bit younger than the others in this group.



  1. Beau physique portrait d’une jeunesse virile, un cadeau de Douglas.
    Perhaps an athlètique youth recruited from a high school or collège, or a neighborhood boy known by Douglas.
    The lighting draws one to his handsome visage and well formed V-shaped torse, very clever and creative of Douglas.
    The sword acts as a borderline between his torse and his pénis nestled in its nest. No better physique modèle than a willing youth proud to reveal his fully nude physique and a photographer to do them proud.
    A most beautiful series of the artistry of Douglas of Detroit, un joli cadeau pour le réveillon de Noël :)
    Merci beaucoup VMM !

  2. Schöne Foto eines hübschen jungen Mannes.
    Licht und Schatten sorgen für einen Chiaroscuro-Effekt, der den Körperbau des jungen Mannes hervorhebt, weise von Juleff.
    Vielen Dank für die beiden Serien der Fotokunst von Juleff, wie eine Kunstgalerie. (“)

  3. Wonderful series, Juleff showcased his models beautifully with a touch of class. Thanks Jerry, and Happy Holidays to you and yours!
