
Monday, January 20, 2025

Boating Day

It's boating day, and we start with two guys on a beach in Panama from 1945.



  1. What a great photo. We are under a severe cold alert so this has me daydreaming!

    1. People here were complaining about how chilly it was this morining because it was "only" 59F. Spoiled.

    2. Lol. How would they feel about -5F!

    3. People would freeze to death. Fewer than 10% or our homes have anything that could be called heating.

  2. Had a relative in a Navy patrol unit in Ww2, their unit was sent to outlying islands, islets and atolls in the Pacific towards the end of the war to check for any Japanese soldiers occupying them. Flying boats would be sent out to check for any inhabitants, there were a few inhabited by Pacific Islanders or even animals. A few times it was Japanese soldiers left behind and they would either put up quite a fight or surrender. On one islet his unit had to help set up a communications post and would frolic around the islet on their free time as seen in this photo, boating, fishing, swimming and wandering around, at times au naturel….:)

    1. It was quite natural for men in those days to swim nude together, whether in the armed forces, or not.

    2. Sounds incredible. Oh to have such freedom and feel so natural about it.
      Cool he shared those memories.

  3. Wonderful photo from another time when men felt comfortable being nude together.
