
Sunday, January 19, 2025

Early shower

These six men are enjoying a shower bath, something relative new in the early 20th Century.



  1. Kameradschaft beim Baden.
    Wie man damals gelernt hat, sind hohe Hygienestandards wichtig für die allgemeine Gesundheit. (“)

    1. Home showers were almost unheard of in the States until after WWII. Returning GIs had enjoyed their use while in the service and started adding them to homes built in the post-war building boom.

  2. I haven't figured out how to message you directly so I am going to leave this here, on this lovely picture.

    I consider myself your number one fan. Every day the first thing I do when I get up is check your blog, and have done so for the past ten years at least. I am unabashed and very appreciative. Last night I found myself lying in bed thinking "I wonder if he has a prolific collection of hard copy photos, and, being advanced in age, if he has plans for the future of his collection, I would hate for something so valuable to be lost" and this kept me up for a while.

    1. First of all, thank you for the kind words. There is a contact form at the upper right of this page. Your message and email address will only be seen by me. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

  3. An amazing photo that is so well done and perfect for me.
