
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

This is Dick Norman, and I get the feeling that he could charm the pants off just about anybody.  When Dave Martin turned over a large portion of his photo archive to Stanford University
 late in his long life, he specifically added the following to the curator's notes on the collection: 

"My work consists of photography of heterosexual (straight) men.  It is not a Gay Archive."

Just another reminder that up until the mid-1960's, most physique models were straight men. 


  1. If Dick Norman had asked me if he could burn a cross in my yard, I would have bought the wood and washed his robe and hood afterwards. Damn, he is fine.

  2. It is doubtful that heterosexual men posed naked in unequivocal poses.

    1. Quite a few heterosexual men did appear in nude physique photos, especially in the time before the late 1960's liberalization of U.S. laws. I couldn't say about this one, and I think that at least some of Dave Martin's models were probably gay, but I have to take him at his word.

  3. The happy Norman, winning smile and great bod and pose. Martin had a winner!...:)
