
Friday, January 7, 2022

What old is new . . . and then old again

Today's Friday art will be alternating with some models who approximate the Classic sculptures.
We start with Marc Hampton from a 1974 Playgirl.  I posted a color version of this a few years ago.



  1. I know you said riding a horse bare like this did not cause pain nor did it scratch the scrotum...but as a city boy, I gotta say, it looks damned uncomfortable. That being said, this male is one handsome guy!

    1. Riding without a saddle provides less stability and control, but it can be more comfortable than a hard saddle. We had one cowboy who put a foam cushion between his behind and his saddle. Oh, and the hair on a horse's back generally lies very flat.

  2. I can't wait until UNCUT DICKS are back in vogue across the board!

    1. While they never fully disappeared, there is a comeback under way.

  3. One of the very few models to appear twice years apart. He was the centerfold for Feb 1990, shaven, and looking quite a bit like Schwarzenegger in the face. It took me awhile to put 2+2 together that he was the same model (and the magazine did not mention it)
