
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

African-American Models Across the USA

Today I am saluting African-American models who worked all across the USA by featuring some photos of them by some men you'll recognize as among the best in the business.  We'll start our tour in the middle of the continent in Denver with Ronnie Moore as photographed by the great Don Whitman of the Western Photography Guild.



  1. Exquisite photo and a killer smile!

  2. I very much appreciated these photos. One of the things that I liked the most was that none of these fellows had the almost ubiquitous BBC that we see nowadays. Not that I haven't seen some appealing penises of modern models, but it is not the size, but the skin tone that I find most appealing. This fellow has a wonderful smile, and I definitely like that.

    1. Yes, that smile immediately engages the viewer. Very nice.
