
Monday, March 7, 2022

Jerry's Likes, Part 1 - Physique Models

A while back, I did an entire series on a model (Robert Rex) and confessed at the end that I don't really like his looks.  Well, that provoked a number of inquiries as to just what I do like.  All I can say is, "Watch out what you ask for."  Here's a six part series on my likes, starting with a few physique models, the backbone of the blog.  This is the great Dick Dene by Bruce of LA.



  1. Given all the hard work you put into the blog, Jerry, I think it's only right and proper that you get to treat yourself (and us as well) to some of your favourite models, photos and artwork.

    I think my liking for Dick Dene is pretty clear from my previous comments so I'm delighted to see him start off this series. One of my favourite photos of one of my favourite models - Mr. Dene is pretty much perfection to me.


    1. Yes, he's one of the best and always gets positive comments.

  2. Hell, Jerry, I'm glad you decided to show us who/what YOU like! And the shot of Mr. Dene, h,h,and h, is something a lot of us like as well.

    1. Mr Dene gets my vote too. Gorgeous all-over fur.

    2. I thought I'd start with a known quantity who was popular.

  3. Yes - Mr. Dene is a favorite of mine for many many years - I even framed a full page mag copy of this same picture

  4. Yay Jerry's back!! Glad you're doing this intermittently, though. You must tell us about your travels and adventures —- hmmm. . . . sounds like another theme.

    1. I'm going every other day for a while, and yes, you may be onto something with the idea for a theme. Stay tuned.

  5. Love a big ol' muscle bear!!! Would love to be the meat in the sandwich with the wrastling brothers, too!!! LOL

  6. For some reason, I keep revisiting this one. No idea why...

    1. For some reason I keep coming back to this one too and I can't think why?!

      If you haven't seen it already, I thoroughly recommend the posing strap short (3.26 minutes) Cowboy Wash-Up featuring Mr. Dene and his trusty white steed. It's easily available online. I often revisit this and it always cheers me up. Mr. Dene looks magnificent in and out of the saddle.


    2. Definitely true in the case of the Lynes biography!
