
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Rory Wilde in Color

Rory Wilde is doing something with his rope that I've never seen a cowboy do.
Until now, I didn't know the star on Bruce's communally used boots was red.



  1. Never mind, with a model like that, Mr Bellas doubtless knew it was money for old rope!

  2. You know, I have another colour photo of Rory in this get up and I must admit I've never noticed the stars were red either. Maybe I was concentrating on other things...

    1. You and everyone else, lol. Funny story. My hometown has a huge red sandstone courthouse, and until about 1975 they put a big red star atop its main tower for Christmas. They quit when someone pointed out that it had a spooky resemblance to a building in the Kremlin in Moscow.
