
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Confirmed and Corrected

Two years ago, I posted this photo with an unconfirmed attribution to "Arthur Schultz."
Well, the spelling was wrong, but I now know that it is definitely by Schulz.



  1. Those men are so wiry and healthy-looking, in all the photos, that I can't help but wonder what they did for a living. I like the bluntness of Schulz' style.

    1. As always, I enjoyed this posting. I always enjoy seeing naked men, and really would like to know the mindset of these old-time photographers who give us these photographs. They surely had an interest in naked men OTHER than just taking pictures that would sell!! Regardless, I am glad for their contributions to our viewing pleasure.

    2. @ Big Dude: These were made in a rural area where farming, herding, and fishing were the main vocations, so that might explain the fitness.

      @ Gerald: Some of the late 19th and early 20th Century male nude photographers such as Von Gloeden and Von Pluschow (who were cousins) were known to be homosexual. The former even got into trouble with the Italian authorities for "corrupting the morals of youth." Most of them, however, seem to have been doing it for the art or simply to make a living. Having said all that, I must add that we simply don't know in most cases.

  2. I can just hear Mae West - "Beulah, peel me a grape."

    1. I remember once having to pull over into a lay-by I was laughing so hard. It was Mae West's cover of Jerry Lee Lewis. I have never heard a line so larded with innuendo when she intoned "Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"

  3. I really enjoyed everything about this series -- including all the editorial remarks!

  4. Great series, Jerry! As always your comments are finely tuned too!
