
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Map readers

Hippies loved to camp.  I know because I joined my hippie friends on several expeditions, and we had a tent almost identical to that one.  It collapsed on top of us and then nearly blew away during a windy night in Big Bend National Park in 1974.  These two are reading a map.  Remember those?



  1. Yes, I do. Map reading was regarded as an essential skill. It was in fact on our school curriculum. I was also given navigation lessons and taught how to use a star map. Another skill being lost with the onward march of progress. You know how some people change personalities once behind the wheel? Well, a very mild mannered friend of mine argues with the sat nav. I've rarely heard language like it. Mind you, it does have a very bossy, officious voice that reminds you of a hospital matron in high dudgeon.

    1. Our rental car in Scotland had GPS, and the voice was quite pleasant. The car kept trying to drive itself without any help, though.
