
Friday, March 29, 2024


Our last Duane Michals photo of the day is a piece 
from a photo shoot on the them of Narcissus.



  1. The myth of Narcissus has always fascinated me. Finding himself so handsome that he drowned himself in love for his image. How I wish I could be beautiful. I wasn't so lucky, but I didn't drown!

    1. I've had more than one exceptionally good looking person (male and female) tell me it can be a curse. Still, everyone wants it.

    2. A blessing and a curse indeed but one many would put up with.
      Thanks for this series. Always enjoy seeing his work and you always surprise me.

  2. A friend of mine has the entire sequence of photos in his entry hall, he switches them out with another of his works The Spirit Leaves The Body on occasion. Those who are not familiar with his work are mesmerized and end up leaving as fans. He is the consummate storyteller IMO. I highly recommend his books. Thanks for this one Jerry.
