
Friday, August 9, 2024

One tough moose

After losing the Republican nomination to Taft in 1912, TR ran for president on the Progressive or "Bull Moose" party ticket.  On the way to a campaign speech in Milwaukee on October 14, he was shot in the chest by John Schrank.  Thanks to having folded his voluminous speech notes into his breast pocket, the bullet did not penetrate very far.  Mr. Roosevelt looked at the wound, noted that he was not coughing up blood, and proceeded to deliver an 84 minute speech before finally agreeing to see a doctor.  The photo above was made earlier that day.  The one below 
was made by some of his more ribald Bull Moose supporters.



  1. I didn't quite understand today's theme on your blog, Jerry.
    I just learned a little more about T.R.
    I really like the saucy photo ;-D

    1. TR was one of our most quirky presidents, but lhistorians also often rate him among the best.

    2. I know T.R., you paid him a vibrant tribute, it's your right. But on your blog, it's quite surprising :-)

    3. Every now and then, I like to shake up the routine.
