
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Deveroli - 1932

Stadie dei Marmi is a Rome sports complex built by Benito Mussolini 
and his fascist government between 1928 and 1932.  It is ringed by mostly 
nude statues of athletes.  Above we see a swimmer sculpted by Deveroli.



  1. The Stadio dei Marmi was constructed by Mussolini to evoke the power of ancient Rome and its connection to fascist Italy.
    Located at the Foro Italico in northern Rome, it was used as a venue for the 1960 Olympics, and
    its former sports academy is now the Italian Olympic Commitee HQ.
    Each of the 60 statues were representative of the different regions of Italy and sculpted by sculptors from that region. The Stadio dei Marmi was featured in the Italian comedy Le Streghe….:)

  2. That doesn’t look like the swimmers you see at today’s Olympics.

  3. I've been there; the statuary is spectacular! 🥰💛🧡🧡

    1. I was in Rome last year and didn't make it out there.
