
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Johnny Bousa

This G-rated number is Johnny Bousa from 1940.  In a 1938 precursor to the Mr. America contest in upstate New York, Mr. Bousa won best legs and placed first in the over 5'11' height category.



  1. Bousa was in the Finest Physique Contest held at Gardner’s Reducing Salon and Gymnasium in Schenectady NY Dec 1 1938, awards were given for best body parts only with no overall winner. Johnny Hordines organized America’s Finest Physique contest on June 10, 1939 in Amsterdam NY, the judges were such bodybuilding greats as Otto Arco, Joe Bonomo, Sig Klein and Bob Hoffman, a High School art teacher and a newspaper writer. The musclemen posed on a well lit revolving platform as classical music played.
    The lighting was achieved by the use of an overhead 100 watt bulb, 3 light units of 250 watts each on one side and 1 light unit of 250 watts on the opposite side. As Hordine once stated, more lights are used on one side to cast shadows on the body, this prevents just a white figure and allows for far better definition and detail of the physique.
    Bert Goodrich was the overall winner in this contest that also featured Asnis, Jantzen and Bousa. On July 4 the AAU organized their first Mr America contest with Roland Essmaker as the winner. Other contests were the Best Built Man at the Bronx Young Men’s Hebrew Association held April 23 1939 and the York Perfect Man contest in York PÅ Nov 18 1939. So many contest, in so little time.
    Rex in DC
