
Friday, May 29, 2020

Here we have Doug Mann, a sailor cap, a cigarette, and black socks.
Used by kind permission of the copyright holder, 
Leather Archives and Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA


  1. Voilà un marin qui me plait ! Une paire de fesses bien rondes et plein de poils dans la fente... J'adore cette photo. Dommage que la photo contient un commentaire, j'aurai aimé ne voir que la photo plus grande.
    Here is a sailor who I like! A pair of buttocks very round and full of hair in the slit ... I love this photo. Too bad the photo contains a comment, I would have liked to see only the larger photo.

    1. Albert, I understand. May I suggest that you download the picture and crop it? I include these comments because quite a few viewers enjoy reading them. Sometimes they are funny, and other times they give a feel for the times.

    2. I had already tried Jerry, but the photo remains small and is not of very good quality. Too bad.

    3. Yes, I can see how that might be the case.
