
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Mel Roberts and HRM stand out as relatively well known names in the business on this page from an unknown magazine.  The other two, not so much.  Sven Erik was a Swedish outfit, and I have seen references to a Sven at Foto Grafo of Sweden, so there may be a connection.  Jean Paul David uses a London address that sounds familiar, but I can't find any other references to it.


  1. Hi Jerry. A random click on the Mel Roberts label bought me to this delightful page. Thought you might be interested to know that 'John Paul David' was our old friend John Barrington. After his trouble with the law in 1955/56 Barrington began selling photo-sets through a Paris office run with friends working under the collective name Jean-Paul David (a pseudonym). In his biography of Barrington, Rupert Smith notes that 'such was the income from Jean-Paul David in Paris that Barrington could afford to move to a comfortable house in south-west London which he lived in for the rest of his life.'

    He must have been making plenty of money as Castelnau is in Barnes - a lovely but expensive part of London. Average house prices there are currently around £3.5 million. I don't know how long Barrington's family kept 86 Castelnau but it is now sub-divided into four (probably quite large and expensive) flats.

    Hope this is of interest.


  2. While I'm on this page, I have to say that the Sven Erik model is absolutely stunning. Do you have any idea who he is? I know you did a Swede's series last year but would another one be a possibility? If you want a tenuous reason, Abba announced this week that they are about to release a new record after almost 40 years! However, if you do another series, no dodgy 1970s haircuts please!

