
Monday, January 28, 2019

Wrestling, physique model style . . . fake, of course

Monday's theme is fake physique model wrestling.  We start with two guys who look like they might have worked for Old Reliable in his early days.  Edited to add:  Viewer jsstrand identifies the guy in front as "Mark," a regular Old Reliable model.


  1. I have the front guy in my Old Reliable folder as "Mark" - he often posed with a cigar - he is a lookalike to Steve Cougar but has an arm tat- I cant identify the other guy

    1. Thanks! I knew I had seen him somewhere, and he fits the type.

    2. The Man in the rear is KEITH LONG. He was known as KEITH LONG at AMG and did a ton of work there. At Old Reliable I think they called him just KEITH. He was from Biloxi Mississippi and had 12 Brothers and Sisters.! He had a deep Southern accent that many liked. KEITH would always pop Wood when he wrestled. He put down on his job application for work experience and hobbies "SEX--I am good at SEX". Bob Mizer wrote in PP that David Hurles trusted KEITH with the keys to his place when they went out of town for a trip. 2 days after KEITH returned the keys Old Reliable was Burglarized and lost many items. Mizer all but said that KEITH had made copies of the Keys and was part of the Burglary.!!

    3. It was the 1980s when Keith Long was at AMG and Old Reliable and I know you consider 1975 the Vintage cut-off. Since you already had the Photo posted I wanted to add that information because it was amusing and odd. I like when you add information about the Models and Photographers and think it makes your site stand out.! Please continue as I have learned so much from your site and think it is outstanding.!

    4. Thank you for such a nice compliment! I fully plan to continue in the same format.

    5. You are welcome. Your site deserves the compliment. I hope that you will do more about Dave Martin. Perhaps cover the lesser known Dave Martin models. The last 4 Dave Martin Models in 1974 before he closed down his Studio for example. I think I have only seen one from 74 who was Terry Marcellus and I do not even know what college he attended. I think there are plenty that people have never seen and would really enjoy seeing and learning about their stats.! Just a suggestion. Thanks again.!

    6. I'm a big Dave Martin fan, so your suggestion has immediate merit.

  2. Ce que j'apprécie le plus dans ces photos vintages, c'est que les hommes poilus restaient avec ce que la nature leur avait donné, leurs poils... Je ne comprendrais jamais qu'aujourd'hui, les hommes se rasent.. C'est tellement beau un homme qui sait rester naturel sans succomber à une mode qui les condamnent à supprimer les signes extérieurs de leur masculinité...
    What I appreciate most in these vintage photos is that the hairy men stayed with what nature had given them, their hair ... I would never understand that today, men shave .. It is so beautiful a man who knows how to remain natural without succumbing to a fashion that condemns them to remove the external signs of their masculinity ...
