
Saturday, February 1, 2020

This happy young man looks familiar, but I can't name him.  Anybody?
Edited to add:  My thanks to the_cham_cham for identifying the model as Johnny Connelly and to James IV for tagging the photographer as Metecue.


  1. His name is Johnny Connelly. One of my favourites because of his lovely hairy legs.

  2. A lovely fury man. On the topic of bushes, an observation. I know most men's balls tend to be less hairy than their bushes, but in some photographs I often wonder if the bush has been left natural but the balls and shaft has had a trim? The contrast of a thick bush and smooth sometimes oiled shaft and balls certainly looks good.

    1. Interesting observation. I suppose some of the ones you describe could be worked on and others natural.

    2. He looks so wholesome - like the HS wrestling champ next door who returns as the college wrestling champ a few years later with added fur and muscles. I would love to get a glimpse of his taint and ass crack!

  3. He posed for Metecue (in Michigan) around 1970.
