
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Billy Joe and Harry B.

Billy Joe Carr seems about to enjoy a Harry Belafonte record on a hi-fi somewhat incongruously placed next to a classic mid-century dinette.  This is the original, as opposed to the photoshopped version I once posted that removed the posing strap.  Photo by Don Whitman of Western Photography Guild.



  1. Too bad there was a strap over it to begin with....

  2. I remember reading that Bob Mizer had once to edit a film of Don Hawksley & John Hadnagy wrestling because their posing straps exposed too much pubic hair. This never seemed to bother Don Whitman - different state laws? - who seemingly routinely photographed his models in under-sized straps, such as Billy Joe Carr above, who is most definitely one of the "faces" I remember from the past. I cannot now remember if Carr ever did full frontal.

    1. It was mainly the Federal Postal authorities that harassed physique photographers, but some of the states no doubt had their own laws. I'm not aware of any Billy Joe having done any legit full frontal nudes.

  3. I read somewhere that BJ was on leave from some branch of the military, I think it was the Coast guard. He was 19 and this was a one time deal.

    1. That might explain why he didn't pose frontally nude.
