
Saturday, January 25, 2025


I'm not sure, but that may be a rolled up bamboo mat behind Vic Seipke.



  1. I think you're right about the mat, Jerry. Oh, those abs! And other parts.

  2. Yes, you are right, it does not look like the classic Greek column that we often find in photos of bodybuilders of the past. The column was intended to reference classical marble statues probably to justify the bursting nudity of the muscular model posing.
    Interesting to note that the hair removal was limited to the upper part of his body.

  3. Très désirable.
    Bel homme Siepke looks young in this image, perhaps from his first time posing, so willing à youth.
    Vertical éléments have been used in art as phallic symbols since antiquité, perhaps the photographer was giving a clue on the prowess of Siepke :)

    1. We can find all kinds of clues in these photos. On the other hand, as the great Sigmund Freud once said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

  4. Exzellent Foto, Kunst der Kamera.
    Wunderschön beulechtet und vom Fotografen gut inszeniert und komponiert. Vic Speike posiert gut, ein diszipliniertes Körpermodell. (“)

  5. This is one of my all time faves of him, I like the fact that he didn't wax or shave from the midriff down. Stunning photo.

  6. The best image I have seen of him and his other physique photos never disappoint. Seipke was a rare model, so willing and knew what the physique photographers and a certain audience wanted.
    Great series on a golden boy of the golden age of bodybuilding and physique photography.
    Rex in DC

    1. He was a fireman in the Detroit area, so he was lucky not to get caught up in the repression following Doug Juleff's arrest in 1957.
